> Office equipment and machines Burgenland > Office equipment and machines Eisenstadt Stadt > Office equipment and machines Eisenstadt

Bit Studio Büroautomation U Informationstechnik Beratungs- U Handelsgesmbh Nfg Kg

Address: TZ Marktstr 3
7000, Eisenstadt
Phone: 43 (2682) 704-660
Fax: 43 (2682) 704-6655
E-Mail: Send e-mail

The address of Bit Studio Büroautomation U Informationstechnik Beratungs- U Handelsgesmbh Nfg Kg is TZ Marktstr 3, 7000, Eisenstadt and the business entry is assigned to the branche Office equipment and machines.

Economic data

Some ÖNACE 2008 economic data of this entry in Eisenstadt with important and interesting facts.

Classification:ÖNACE 2008 (Österreich, Nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne)
Classification code:3677352517
Company activity:Büromaschinen

Opening hours

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Driving directions

Bit Studio Büroautomation U Informationstechnik Beratungs- U Handelsgesmbh Nfg Kg Driving directions

Driving directions to Bit Studio Büroautomation U Informationstechnik Beratungs- U Handelsgesmbh Nfg Kg in Eisenstadt can be requested here.

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